Harry and Flora Samuels Interview

December 2017


This is an interview by Edward and Marcia Samuels

With Harry and Flora Samuels

At their home in Memphis, December 2017


While we’ve tried to label the major topics for each section,

the conversation was rambling, and jumped from topic to topic.


Part 1 Morris Samuels, the “Jokester” (3 minutes, 17 seconds)

Part 2 Morris Samuels and Harry Tenzer (St. Louis) (1:05)

Part 3 The Shaltupskys (1:25)

Part 4 The Samuels and the Tenzers (4:52)

Part 5 The Shaltupskys move to Cape Girardeau (3:20)

Part 6 Move to San Antonio, then back to Cape (2:26)

Part 7 William Samuels (4:01)

Part 8 Harry, Barbara, and the Hoffbergers from Baltimore (5:01)

Part 9 Joseph Sherbow, the Hoffbergers, and ship Exodus 1947 (5:07)

Part 10 Harry goes into business (5:03)

Part 11 Dixiemart (2:15)

Part 12 The new house, The Belzes (5:17)

Part 13 The Story of David Samuels (4:00)

Part 14 Philanthropy (2:47)

Part 15 Morris and William’s siblings, including the elder Harry Samuels (4:21)

Part 16 Ellen (Polinsky) Cohen’s family (5:35)

Part 17 Polinskys and Fragers (1:28)

Part 18 Harry’s son William (1:10)

Part 19 Flora (2:42)

Part 20 Two degrees of separation (3:05)

Part 21 The Garfinkles, the Petcheniks, and the Sandbergs (4:26)

Part 22 The Kafris (1:32)

Part 23 The Hechts and Mount Scopus Synagogue (5:44)

Part 24 Shaltupsky relatives – Minnens, Shainbergs (1:25)

Part 25 How Harry met Flora (2:31)

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