www.samnyfamily.com privacy policy

November 2016



       My emphasis in maintaining this website is on historical information about our families. However, in order to protect the privacy of family members, at least to some extent, I’m observing the following privacy policy.


1.     I will always require a password for the family website. Please share the password only with family members who will respect the privacy of the information.


2.     I strongly urge that family members not repost any of this information on websites that are open to the public without a password.


3.     As an elaboration on the previous point, there are some websites that look like they protect privacy, but don’t. I’m particularly skeptical about geni.com, which shows lots of “privacy” notices when you first look at it. But if you post any family information, even in a purportedly protected space, and agree to “share” it with one of their managers, they will merge your tree into their tree, and then they control it, not you. Even if you unsubscribe from the site, the information is forever out there. One manager was sharing his information with hundreds of thousands of others. When I checked him out, his relationship to me was “your great aunt’s great nephew’s ex-wife’s uncle’s ex-wife’s third cousin.” That means that all the people along that chain had access to whatever I might have posted to this site (which was nothing, since I was skeptical from the beginning). Just don’t do this. (Don’t just take my word for it. Check them out at https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.geni.com .)


4.     For all reports posted on the website, I will include generations only through those of us born around the 1950s or 1960s. I will not include information about the most recent generations, born from about the 1970s onward. If anybody wants more detailed information for the younger generations, please contact me at my email address and I’ll share what I have.


5.     I am keeping track of family birthdates sent to me by family members. However, for all reports posted on the website, I will include only the year of birth, not the day or date, for any living members of the family.


6.     I hope to identify ancestors in historical photographs. While I will post more recent family photographs on the website, I generally will not identify individuals born since about the 1970s.


Please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions about these policies, by contacting me at samny@pipeline.com. Thanks.



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