Rebecca (Breindel) Garfinkel Documentation


Benjamin Garfinkel ship manifest 1906


S.S. Finland sailing from Antwerp, Feb. 17, 1906, arriving New York Feb. 27, 1906

Benjamin Garfinkel, 19, carpenter, from Anilopal to New York, to brother-in-law Barcatel (?illegible), Prince St. New York                                                      


Breindel and family ship manifest 1911


S.S. Brandenburg, sailing from Bremen, June 15th, arriving Philadelphia June 19, 1911

Garfinkel, Breindel, 34, housewife, Russia, Hebrew, last residence Czernise(?), Russia; left Chanopole GB. Wolynnia Russia, grandmother;

destination Husband: Benjamin Garfinkel, Korma NY(unclear)

Garfinkel, Wolf, 11

Garfinkel, Ciwie, 10

Garfinkel, Beilash, 8

Garfinkel, Josef, 5


1920 census


Rebeccah Garfunkel, 47, head, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911, mother tongue Yiddish (for all), marital status widowed
80 Bergen St., Brooklyn, NY
Irving, 25, son, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911, Naturalized 1918, employment own account, proprietor, Linoleum(?)
William, 23, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911, occupation button holes, clothing industry
Sylvia, 19, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911, bookkeeper, newspaper
Bella, 15, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911, clerical(?), newspaper
Joe, 14, born Vilena, Russia, to U.S. 1911.

(All of the locations appear to be something like Vilena, though crossed out, leaving “Russia”)


1925 census (New York) lines 14-19


Kings County, New York, 1925, 1924 74th St.

David Malkind, Head, age 26, Nativity U.S., Occupation Insurance

Sylvia Malkind, wife, age 24, Nativity Russia, in U.S. 12 years, Housewife

Bernice Malkind, daughter, 7 months, Nativity U.S.

Rebecca Garfinkel, mother in law, age 50, Russia, in U.S. 12 years, widow

Bella Garfinkel, sister in law, age 20, Russia, in U.S. 12 years, secretary

Joe Garfinkel, brother in law, age 18, Russia, in U.S. 12 years, druggist


William and Joseph social security applications


William Garfinkel, 2160 Dean St., Brooklyn, NY

Julian Clothing Corp. 1182 Flushing Ave, Bklyn, NY

Age: 39   Date of birth March 15, 1897, Russia

Father: Benjamin Garfinkel   Mother: Rebecca Shmuscus

Signed Nov. 27, 1936


Joseph Garfinkel (Full name given at birth: Joseph Garfinkel)

777 West End Ave. NYC

Age: 44   Date of birth: 08/28/07 Russia

Father: Bernard(?) Garfinkel   Mother: Rebecca Garfinkel (unclear)

Self Employed, dated ?/1/51


Irving draft registration


Irving Barney Garfinkel, 10 Monroe St., New York City, N.Y.

Age: 47  Date of birth: March 15, 1895  Place of birth: New York City, U.S.A. (!?)

Name and address of person who will know your address: Ms. Sylvia Malkind – same address



Death Certificate


Rebecca Garfinkel, died June 28, 1926, age 53, Manhattan.
1924 74th St., Brooklyn.
Date of birth, unknown, Russia; age, 53.
In U.S. for 14 years, in New York 12 years.
Father: David Samuels, born Russia
Mother: Ida Pichenick, born Russia


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