William and Fannie Samuels with their grandchildren


Fannie with Andrea Bloom, William with Ellen Samuels

Larry Samuels, Roz Buchman, Hershey, Ronna, and Madalyn Bloom

Steve and Danny Samuels, Susan and Marty Buchman, Ed Samuels

Fannie Samuels, Bernice with Andrea Bloom, Selma Buchman, Rosalie, Ellen, David, and William Samuels

Barbara, Steve, and Larry Samuels, Roz Buchman, Hershey, Ronna, and Nat Bloom

Danny Samuels, Susan, Sammy, and Marty Buchman, Ed Samuels, Madalyn Bloom

Samuels Clan 1960

Bernard Samuels, Sammy and Selma Buchman, Bernice Bloom, William, Alvin, Fannie, and David Samuels, Ronna, Nat, and Hershey Bloom.

Barbara Samuels, Susan Buchman, Madalyn Bloom, Danny Samuels, Marty Buchman, Rosalie with Bruce Samuels, Roz Buchman.

Andrea Bloom, Larry, Ed, Steve, and Ellen Samuels

Hershey Bloom, David Samuels.

Rosalie and Bruce Samuels, Nat and Bernice Bloom, Selma Buchman, Sam and Bernice Honigberg, Ellen Samuels, Roz (Buchman) Kahn, Danny, William, Fannie, Madilyn and Alvin Samuels.

Barbara and Steve Samuels, Andrea Bloom, Sammy Buchman, Bernard and Larry Samuels, Marty Buchman, Flora and Harry Samuels, Roger Kahn

Alvin Samuels, Sammy Buchman, Roz and Roger Kahn, Bernard Samuels, Keith and Ronna Pritchard, , Hershey and Rita Bloom, Susan and John Havens.

Madalyn Samuels, Selma Buchman, Barbara Samuels, Bernice and Nat Bloom, Fannie Samuels, Jake and Esther Pollack.

Danny Samuels, Andrea and Madalyn Bloom, Marty Buchman.

The Next Generation.

John Havens, Sammy Buchman, Roger Kahn, Bernice and Nat Bloom, Bernard Samuels, Jake and Sydney Pollack, Harry and Flora Samuels, Julianne Pollack, David Samuels.

Susan Havens, Selma Buchman, Roz Kahn, Fannie and Barbara Samuels, Esther and Marilyn Pollack, Bernice Honigberg, Rosalie Samuels.

William and David Pollack, Danny, Ed and Steve Samuels, Bobby Pollack.


Rubinoff visits the Samuels

In 1961


William Samuels, Ronna Bloom, Barbara Samuels, Nat and Bernice Bloom, Rosalie and Bruce Samuels, Roz Buchman, Fannie Samuels.

Front: Ed, Steve, and Ellen Samuels


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